Friday, March 14, 2008



By Lance Landall

Given how some Christians act, and the damage that they do,
I’m really not surprised, friend, you’ve an anti-Christian view.
Maybe so-called righteous wars, or past inquisitions too,
Have also had a hand in, your strong anti-Christian view.

Perhaps you’re an ex-Christian, tired of wrong that you have seen,
Occurring amongst Christians, or within the Christian scene.
Or were you badly hurt, friend, by Christians acting wrongly,
And that they’re all hypocrites, you’re feeling very strongly.

Well, what you’ve encountered, friend, isn’t Christianity,
Rather, it’s simply Christians, acting very wrongfully.
Yes, Christians badly straying, or who’ve sadly lost their way,
And who, as a consequence, incorrectly God portray.

So, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, as they say,
It’s not Christianity, it’s Christians, who their God betray.
Though they’re His ambassadors, some dismay and disrespect
The God they take their name from, when they wrongly Him reflect.

I’m often disappointed by Christians acting wrongly,
And deplore wrong occurring, within Christianity.
But I too, have hurt others and wrongly God portrayed,
For I’m human just like them, and often, don’t make the grade.

So, I’ll still believe in God, and a Christian I’ll remain,
And I will still fellowship, with any, who His name claim.
But I’ll do my very best, to reflect God correctly,
In the hope that you might see, what’s truly, Christianity.

Both Christian and non-Christian, behave hypocritically,
So it’s hardly an excuse, for shunning Christianity.
Don’t build your faith on humans, for humans so often fail,
Hence why Christianity, has left a flawed human trail.

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A Place for the Animals

A Place for the Animals

Oh, Loving God
Who created them all,
From small creeping bugs
To giraffes to tall.

Who in our care
Has placed your creatures
I ask, "Why is cruelty
One of man's features?"

Forced to give us food
And pull our carts,
Have we no pity
For their broken hearts?

Science and Medicine
Are yet another tool,
For causing them pain
And being so cruel.

And when the circus
Comes to town,
Do we see their tears
When the curtain goes down?

Some people wear fur
As they stroll through the city,
I think it's so heartless
And not very pretty.

Deep in the woods,
A place some call their home,
They run in great fear
>From the hunters that roam.

Their sad eyes show us
There's no understanding,
Why man is indifferent
And so very demanding!

They give up their lives,
They give us their best,
All they are asking
Is a place just to rest.

And so, My Dear Lord
I Pray unto You,
Save a place in Your Kingdom
For the animals too.



I wonder what my cat thinks
When he gazes at our world?
And when he sleeps, what does he dream?
Does he sense things we do not know?
Does he know when we do wrong?
Perhaps that's what he sings about
To others in his song...

We're told they're dumb..their language
Is different from our speech
But we don't know what they know
Even yet what they can teach?
Many times I sit and notice
The gaze of his blue eyes
And wonder if he laughs within
At human schemes and lies!

Does he know we kill his brothers
Each and every day?
It's really all human's fault
But his brother's have to pay!
We torture and we kill them
There are always more to get
For we live in a world
Of the "throw-away-pet"!!

Oh! Sweet cat how I wish that
We change for all of you
For in our "land of plenty"
This we need to do!
STOP the wanton waste
Of food and pets and such
Especially throwing life away
For life is worth so much!

We need to value all life forms
In seas, in skies and sod....
We don't have a right to throw away
That which is made by God!
So little starts with you
The task at hand is great...
We had better learn this lesson
'Fore we come to your brother's fate...

Don’t Blame God

Don’t Blame God

Tell me, who’s tearing down forests, raping jungles as well,
Depriving earth of its lungs, turning earth in to a hell?
Who’s causing floods and landslides, by stripping our planet bare,
Who’s taking homes from creatures, and filling them full of fear?

Yes, who’s endangering creatures, and made some disappear,
When they’ve a right to life too, and the same right to live here?
Who’s plundering land and sea, with a reckless disregard,
Unbalancing and depleting, their very own back yard?

Who’s clogging the air we breathe, altering our climate too,
Via toxins, that car exhausts or factory chimneys spew?
And who’s polluting the land, our rivers, our lakes, the sea,
Via the waste they dump and pump, that ill health will guarantee?

Who’s damaging this earth, with their weaponry and wars,
Killing and maiming, both man and beast, almost without a pause?
Who adds insult to injury, testing bombs, missiles too,
That also stain our planet, with poisonous residue?

Who has even caused famines, spawned epidemics, disease,
Caused more destructive weather, caused ice-packs to thaw, not freeze?
Who has punctured the ozone layer, made temperatures rise?
The answers a simple one — it’s us, yes, we get first prize.

So, don’t go blaming God, as we’re to blame; that’s more than plain,
It’s we, who have made this mess, it’s we, who’ve acted insane.
We’re reaping what we’ve sown, it’s our fault, it’s ours alone,
It’s we, who are on trial, not God, therefore, we can’t moan.

We’ve harmed ourselves and others, trashed this world, fouled our nest,
And all because we failed to do, what would have been best.
Thus, we’re now in deep water, water that is rising fast,
Water that will engulf us, unless sense prevails at last.



If you can look at the sunset and smile,
then you still have hope.

If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower,
then you still have hope.

If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly,
then you still have hope.

If the smile of a child can still warm your heart,
then you still have hope.

If you can see the good in other people,
then you still have hope.

If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep,
then you still have hope.

If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder,
then you still have hope.

If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips,
then you still have hope.

If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism,
then you still have hope.

If you give people the benefit of a doubt,
then you still have hope.

If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your life,
then you still have hope.

If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings a pleasant surprise,
then you still have hope.

If the suffering of others still fills your with pain and frustration,
then you still have hope.

If you refuse to let a friendship die,
or accept that it must end,
then you still have hope.

If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection,
then you still have hope.

If you still buy the ornaments,
put up the Christmas tree or cook the supper,
then you still have hope.

If you can look to the past and smile,
then you still have hope.

If, when faced with the bad,
when told everything is futile,
you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase..."yeah...BUT.,"
then you still have hope.

Hope is such a marvelous thing.
It bends, it twists, it sometimes hides,
but rarely does it break.
It sustains us when nothing else can.
It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead,

when we tell ourselves we'd rather give in.

Hope puts a smile on our face
when the heart cannot manage.

Hope puts our feet on the path
when our eyes cannot see it.

Hope moves us to act
when our souls are confused of the direction.

Hope is a wonderful thing,
something to be cherished and nurtured,
and something that will refresh us in return.
And it can be found in each of us,
and it can bring light into the darkest of places.

He's coming soon

He's coming soon

His soon has become soon
It is written, like a thief shall he come
And the hour knoweth no man but the father

Ignorance shall send many to hell
Disobedence shall be the end of many
When many shall be deceive at the end time

The end has come, but knowth no man
The signs is shown but seeth no man
The coming is near but feelth no man

I have heard of wars of nation against nation
I have seen famines, pestilences and earthquake
All these are the beginning of sorrow

Many shall be deceive by false prophets
Many shall be offended and betray one another
Good shall be hated by many to the end

Because iniquity shall abound
The love of many shall wax cold
And the repect of the word of God shall reduce

Though the gospel shall be preach all round
The holy place will be filled with abomination
But he that endure unto the end shall be saved

Have you not see knowledge increase according to Daniel?
Have you not see these signs to show his coming?
Don’t be victim of the roaring lion

He has come near to make the soon soon
To fulfil the word that never go unfulfiled
To make all end ends and the new new

Beware. His coming has become now.

The Spirit Makes Changes

The Spir
The Spirit Makes Changeshanges
The Spirit needs to prick one’s heart, to give thinking a fresh start,
Only then can change be wrought, in the direction of their thought.
It’s only natural for our focus to be, here on earth, not on Eternity,
Tending to all earthly needs, spiritual concerns man seldom heeds.

Addressing other things day to day, spiritual things get in the way,
So busy with their daily grind, to things of God, they pay no mind.
It never seems to touch their heart; the words from God we impart,
The words of Truth that we share, hopeful that one day they’ll care.

But, Satan too, does his part, by deceiving every unknowing heart,
Snatching away the seed we sow, hoping that they will never know,
The freeing Truth of God’s Word, from the sharing, that they heard,
Keeping their hearts occupied, to never know, just why Christ died.

Christ came with His life to give, so that all of men could truly live,
A new life upon earth abundantly, as God prepares us for Eternity.
It is The Spirit which Christ sends, that touches the hearts of men,
And by The Spirit God arranges, within or mind unknown changes.

The heart begins to open wide, to those Truths which were denied,
As The Spirit waters sown seed, allowing that one to see his need.
The eyes that were blind before, now open wide and see The Lord,
And that once, unbelieving heart, from God gets a brand new start.